Sarah Ress Breenan just has shared a new snippet from The Bane Chronicles on her Tumblr. We got another TBC snippet from Cassie on Friday.

Check it out what Sarah had to say:

To celebrate it we thought we might put up a few lines! You know, for you all to enjoy.
Spoilers for Clockwork Princess…! Starring a certain JH, and illustrated by the incomparable Cassandra Jean.


James had not seemed to want to be taken from the cold depths of the water: had fought Magnus as he dragged him out, then laid his pale cheek against the dank earth of the riverbank, and hid his face in his arms.
For a moment Magnus had thought he was crying, but as he stooped down to check on the boy he found he was barely conscious. With his cruel golden eyes closed, he once again reminded Magnus of the lost boy Will had been: Magnus touched his damp hair gently, and said “James,” in as kind a voice as he could.
His eyes were shut, black lashes ink-dark crescents against the marble-pale lines of his cheekbones. Sparkling drops of water were caught in the curling ends of those lashes: he looked unhappy as he slept in a way he did not when awake. 

Tell us what you think about the snippet in comments.

Video: The Mortal Instruments panel at WonderCon!

The Mortal Instruments cast had a panel on Saturday at WonderCon where a bunch of Shadowhunters were able to view the new TMI trailer that will be released online on Monday. Not only did they get to see the first look at two new Clary and Jace character posters, but they also got a Q&A from Lily Collins, Kevin Zegers and Jamie Campbell Bower.

Check out the video below from Ramascreen:

The Mortal Instruments panel Part 1


The Mortal Instruments panel Part 2

Did you enjoy the panel? What was your favorite part about it?

New Jace and Clary character posters revealed at WonderCon!

Today Lily Collins(Clary Fray), Jamie Campbell Bower(Jace Wayland), Kevin Zegers (Alec Lightwood) and Cassie Clare attended WonderCon. Fans in attendance got to see the new trailer that will be released online on April 1st. They also got a first look at the new character posters.

Check out the HD posters from Yahoo Movies:

Lily Collin as Clary Fray

Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace Wayland
What are your thought of the new posters?

A fan’s verbal walk through of the new TMI movie trailer

Today a ton of lucky TMI fans at WonderCon got a chance to get a sneak peek of the new City of Bones trailer and a look at the new movie posters.

We here at @TMI_Institute asked those fans what they thought of the new trailer and here’s what one really enthused fan (@laurenhashbrown) said:

And @angelsandrunes spoke for us all with this tweet:

ICYMI: Cassie Clare and TMI cast grace WonderCon

Saturday, March 30, 2013 has finally arrived and you know what that means, The Mortal Instruments cast is at Wondercon. Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower, Kevin Zegers and Cassandra Clare are there to complete some interviews and reveal the new extended TMI trailer.

The cast interviews are set to be released on Monday, April 1st, just as the new trailer.

How excited are you to see the new TMI trailer?

Stay tuned for more information and pictures from WonderCon.

Lily Collins talks new movie trailer

On March 30 a new City of Bones movie trailer and new poster will be revealed at WonderCon and on April 1, the trailer will be released online. Star of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Lily Collins (Clary Fray) told The Hollywood Reporter that fans can expect “heart pumping action,” “great music” and “high energy” from the new trailer.

When asked about the trailer Collins said, “It ends, and you have to watch it again because there’s so much packed into the trailer.” She continued to say,
“The first time I watched it, I asked to watch it three other times just ‘cause it’s so much that happens, it’s like a whirlwind.”

Head to The Hollywood Reporter for a look at the entire interview.

Robert Sheehan Discusses "City of Bones" in a Radio Interview

Interviewer: There is a weird kind of shadowy vampire element to it. Is it going to be the new Twilight or do you not like those types of comparisons?
Robert: It definitely runs along the same ilk; there are similar aspects to the story. It’s very much like an old fashion kind of story book. The director, a very lovely man name Harald Zwart, he shot this film. He shot the film on 16 mm which for a film maker it gives it an old quality. I think he was trying to make a old story book type film. There is similarities to Twilight but has much more of a magical feel.

Interview: I heard you compared to Indiana Jones, it’s kind of adveture-y, right?
Robert: Ya, when I first read the script that was one of the things that struck me most. There’s a wonderfully tendential nature to the adventure they have. They go off to do one thing and then they get pulled and dragged from one thing to the next. They get distracted, very much like Indiana did, back in the day.

Interviewer: But it has that half human element to it doesn’t it?
Robert: Ya, basically the character, she turns 18 at the beginning of the film, she believes she’s gone crazy because she discovers her own magical ability she then discover this ancient institute of demon hunters. The demon hunters part humans part devine, there whole thing is to fight against the ever growing population of demon population. She releases that she has what you call Shadowhunter blood. My character is her BFF, who loves her secretly, and gets dragged along for the ride. He won’t leave her side because he’s very protective of her.

To listen to the full radio interview visit RTE.

Day 5 of ‘The Cassie Diaries’ on set of THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES!

TEEN just revealed the fifth day of Cassandra Clare’s diary on set of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Check out what Cassie did that day below:

Today marks the final set diary from Cassandra Clare‘s visit to The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. And let us tell you, it’s AH-maze. One, because we get to see Cassie’s costume. (That’s right; she’s IN the film.) Two, Robert Sheehan and Godfrey Gao are back again. Three, Lily Collins makes her first appearance! Plus much, much more…

Day Five: Friday

Because I am actually in a scene today, I have to show up early for costume and makeup and hair. I pass Robbie on the way to set — most parts of sets are unglamorous, back alleys and loading docks and that sort of thing.

I get a trailer of my own(!), bonus of which means SIDEBURNS GUY has to bring me tea. We discuss his sudden fame.

Godfrey is on set early to get his hair and makeup done too. Of course he looks cool even without his hair and makeup done. Here he is wearing his Magnus jacket and jewelry but without his hair done yet. And the shades are his.


I am informed [that I’m] going to be some sort of cat demon in a business suit. Maybe running a cat demon empire. I’m not totally clear on it, but I do know I have a great selection of AMAZING SHOES to choose from. Everyone who knows me knows I am obsessed with shoes, so this is the greatest day of my life. I finally pick a pair that are black and sparkly.


After that, I get ushered into hair and makeup. Someone has pasted something hilarious but profane to the mirror; they tell me it was Kevin. It’s super fun being worked over by makeup people, especially when their instructions are to go wild and crazy. My favorite part is getting the cat ears attached. They are bright gold and held on with a band and a million hairpins.


After makeup, I wobble on my high heels over to set, which is inside an enormous mansion. It has been done up with bright lights and Chinese lanterns. There are tables everywhere, and on the tables are the brightly colored party drinks from City of Bones. Harald positions me carefully at a table with a ghoul and a banshee.

It’s already dark, and really cold, so we all get little handwarmers to hold onto. The ghoul and the banshee are big Hunger Games fans. We talk about that for a while. The crew keeps coming over to ask me questions, and so does Harald. Eventually the ghoul is like, “Who are you?” I explain I am the author and they seem pleased to have me since they feel this means we are likely to get more blankets and handwarmers.

There are long pauses between takes during which Kevin and Jamie have a contest regarding who can jump higher and touch the tree branches. The girls are much calmer and obviously very cold and covered in blankets since the scene requires them to be in party dresses — very short!

Lily and Godfrey have a lot of dialogue as Clary and Magnus. I sneak a picture of them in front of some cool screens.


After several hours, the shooting seems to have wrapped up so I am ready to go home when I find out that no, it’s not over — all the scenes have to be shot again, from a different angle. We all shuffle around the tables and it’s about three in the morning so I start napping on the table in between takes. Acting is hard, I observe. No one is all that sympathetic.

MTV is on set that day so everyone is doing their interviews in between the action as well. Godfrey has to do his with no pants on, but you can’t tell because he’s sitting down. Now you know, though.

Finally. I am ready to go home. It’s dawn, so I go grab my suitcase and head to the Toronto airport to fly home. I am unable to get the cat ears out and have to walk through the airport wearing them. I get a lot of strange looks and set off the metal detector. When the guard asks me about the ears I explain I was in a movie. “Sure, you were,” he says. Clearly the glamour is over!

 Thank you TEEN for sharing Cassie’s Diaries with us. What do you Shaodwhunters think?


We are getting closer and closer to the releases of The Bane Chronicles. Cassie has shared a new snippet with us from the e-book on her Tumblr.

A snippet from the Bane Chronicles. CLOCKWORK PRINCESS SPOILERS.

The snippet isn’t really words. It’s art. But it’s under a cut anyway because it remains spoilery for Clockwork Princess. Art by the incomparable Cassandra Jean.

This boy had pale amber eyes, like a crystal glass filled brimful with crisp white wine and held up to catch the light of the sun. Magnus could not imagine these eyes as tender. The boy was lovely, but his was a beauty like that Helen of Troy might have had once, disaster written in every line. The light of his beauty made Magnus think of cities burning.

Fog and gaslight receded into memory. His momentary lapse into foolish nostalgia was over. This was not Will. That broken, beautiful boy would be a man now, and this boy was a stranger.
“I,” the boy announced, “am James Herondale.” 

What are you thoughts on the snippet? Remember The Bane Chronicles will be available in e-book format on April 16th. 

Cassandra Clare and Harald Zwart to appear at Los Angeles Times Festival of Books!

Cassandra Clare and Harald Zwart will be appearing at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books in April to talk The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.

Cassie and Harald will be making an appearance at the Mortal Instruments on Page and Screen panel on Saturday, April 20th at 3PM.

Tickets for the event will go on sale on April 14th for $30.

Do you plan on attending?